Camera Shake Effect in UnityHello everyone, in this article I will discuss how to implement a basic camera shaking effect when the play take damage. When I first…Jul 16, 2021Jul 16, 2021
Building a Game in UnityHey everyone, this is just going to be a quick article about how to build a game in Unity. Go to File the Build Settings to access the…Jul 5, 2021Jul 5, 2021
Basic Game Audio Implementation using UnityHere I have two different audio files that I implemented into the game. These clips were intended to serve as background music and laser…Jul 3, 2021Jul 3, 2021
Implementing a Way to Control the Spawn Manager in GameBefore implementing the following code the game would simply start as soon as the scene was instantiated. Here, I add an asteroid to the…Jul 2, 2021Jul 2, 2021
Visual Effects in UnityHere I will discuss animated visuals in Unity and how to implement them. In this case we will be looking at the Enemy GameObject which will…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Basic UI Elements in UnityHere we will discuss some of the basic UI elements I incorporated into the Space Shooter project. This will include a score counter and a…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Creating a Powerup in UnityThe next feature I created for the game is a powerup feature. Here we will focus on creating our first powerup which is called Triple Shot…Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
From Prototype to ProductionNow that the core game mechanics for the game are complete it is time to progress the game out of the initial prototype stage. Here, we are…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Getting Started with Collisions in UnityHi everyone, here we going to get started with implementing a collision system using mesh colliders and rigid bodies. Before we get started…Jun 26, 20211Jun 26, 20211
Basic 2D Movement in UnityHi everyone, this article is going to be going over some very basic 2D movement I accomplished in Unity. This article is intended to serve…Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021